How to set up Nginx Ingress controller with Cert Manager in AWS EKS cluster

Nginx Ingress with Cert Manager

In this blog, we will learn about integrating TLS certificates to the Kubernetes cluster using Cert Manager and the Let’s Encrypt Certificate Authority.

SSL/TLS certificates are essential for Kubernetes Ingress objects to secure communication between the users and the application.

Cert Manager integrates the certificates and manages their validity to renew them at the right time.

The Cert Manager works with Certificate Authorities (CA) such as Let’s Encrypt, Hashicorp Vault, etc.

Cert Manager Workflow

The below diagram explains how the Cert manager works with the kubernetes cluster to provision and manage the TLS Certificates to safeguard the Ingress.

the workflow diagram of the cert manager in the kubernets cluster with the lets encrypt certificate authority
  1. The Ingress object will be created with the reference of the Cert Manager Issuers.
  2. The Ingress Controller will get the information from the Ingress object and request a certificate from the Cert Manager.
  3. The Cert Manager will request the Certificate Authority, for example, Let’s Encrypt.
  4. After the verification, the CA will generate and provide the certificate to the Cert Manager.
  5. The generated certificate will be stored in Kubernetes as a TLS Secret.
  6. The Ingress Controller will encrypt the traffic using the stored certificate for the TLS termination.
  7. When a user tries to access the application, the external traffic is routed from the external Load Balancer to the Ingress Controller.
  8. The TLS termination will happen in the Ingress Controller with the TLS certificate and securely route the traffic to the application Pods.

How to Setup Cert Manager on Kubernetes


  1. Kubernetes Cluster version 1.30 or higher.
  2. Helm v3.16.3 or higher should be available on the local system.
  3. Kubectl v1.30 or higher should be available on the local system.

Note: For this tutorial, I am using AWS EKS cluster but you can use any of the Kubernetes cluster.

Step 1: Install Cert Manager on Kubernetes

First, we need to add the Cert Manager Helm Repository

helm repo add jetstack --force-update

To update the repository, use the following command.

helm repo update

To get the complete modifiable values of the Helm Chart, use the following command.

helm show values jetstack/cert-manager 

You can store the entire output as a YAML file to make modifications or take only the necessary parameters to create a new one.

For now, I am picking only the necessary parameters and creating a file dev_cert_manager_values.yaml

  enabled: true
  keep: false

Why we have modified these two parameters,

crds.enabled: true – This ensures that the Cert Manager Custom Resource Definitions are deployed. (CRDs are required objects to install the Cert Manager)

crds.keep: false – This ensures that the deployed CRDs will not be available once we uninstall the Cert Manager from the cluster.

Now, we can install the Cert Manager with the dev_cert_manager_values.yaml file.

helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --create-namespace \
  --values dev_cert_manager_values.yaml

Ensure all the Cert Manager related objects are deployed and running properly.

kubectl get all -n cert-manager
cert manager install in the kubernets cluster and the verification of the installed objects

Let’s list the Custom Resource Definitions related to the Cert Manager.

kubectl get crds
the list of custom resource definitions of the cert manager

certificaterequests – Track the status of the certificate requests.

certificates – The provisioned certificates by the Certificate Authority (CA)

challenges – Ownership verifications of the requester.

clusterissuers – Global-level certificate issuer, which can help create certificates for the whole cluster.

issuers – Namespace level certificate issuers.

orders – Tracking list of the CA requests.

Step 2: Setup Nginx Ingress Controller on Kubernetes

The Ingress Controller is used to route the external traffic to the Kubernetes cluster.

When traffic comes over the internet, the Ingress Controller will help inside the cluster to reach the traffic to the correct destination.

Before installing the Ingress Controller, we need to create a dev_nginx_ingress_values.yaml file, because we are making a few modifications to the Controller.

    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: apps-ingress nlb internet-facing "subnet-028a738bdafc344c6,subnet-094d01de2dd2148c0,subnet-04429e132a1f42826 "

Note: If you are testing this in the local clusters like kubeadm or minikube, instead of service.type: LoadBalancer, use service.type: NodePort and omit the annotations, so that without a Load Balancer we can test the Ingress by using the IP of the Node and the Ingress controller Node Port Number.

The overview of the above parameters,

  1. Load Balancer name (apps-ingress)
  2. Load Balancer type (Network Load Balancer)
  3. Load Balancer scheme (internet-facing)
  4. Subnets (Instead of these subnets, provide yours)

I am using AWS EKS Cluster; by default, the Ingress Controller will provision an Internal Classic Load Balancer.

However, I want an External Network Load Balancer to route the traffic from outside to the cluster, so I have made the above modifications.

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx \
--create-namespace -f dev_nginx_ingress_values.yaml

Ensure all objects related to the Ingress Controller are running properly.

kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx
the deployment of the nginx ingress controller and the verfication of the objects and the provisioned load balancer by the controller

The Ingress Controller is provisioned a Network Load Balancer, we can ensure that by using the AWS Console.

the aws user interface to ensure the network load balancer provisioned by the nginx ingress controller

Here, you can see the DNS A Record of the Load Balancer, and we have to map this to the intended DNS Server.

To get more detailed information, click the Load Balancer name.

the rules and protocols of the aws network load balancer which is provisioned by the nginx ingress controller

In the Listeners tab, we can see the protocols and the target groups where the traffic has to route.

the network mapping section of the aws load balancer and shows the subnet information of the ingress contoller

In the Network mapping section, we can ensure the subnets that we provide on the Nginx Ingress Controller configuration file.

the resources mapping section provides the information of the routing patten of the load balancer and the target group information.

The Resource map section provides a diagram of the traffic routes from external to the target, which are EC2 instances.

Step 3: Install a Demo Application in the Kubernetes Cluster

Before we continue the configuration, I am deploying an application for demo purposes.

I am deploying the ArgoCD, but you can use any application.

Add ArgoCD Helm repository.

helm repo add argo

Create a values file dev_argocd_values.yaml with the required parameters for the ArgoCD deployment.

  type: NodePort

Now, we can install the ArgoCD in our Kubernetes cluster.

helm install argocd argo/argo-cd \
  --namespace argocd \
  --create-namespace \
  --values dev_argocd_values.yaml

After the installation, ensure all related resources are running properly.

the installation of the argocd application and the list of installed resources related to that.

Refer to this blog for more detailed information about the ArgoCD installation and configuration.

We can check the web interface of the ArgoCD using the Node Port and the Public IP of any of the instances.

pointing the node port of the argocd and the public ip of the node to access the argocd over the web ui

We can view the web interface successfully, ensuring the ArgoCD runs properly.

the argocd web interface and the pointing the public ip of the instance and the port number

At the beginning of the URL, we can see that the traffic is routed using the insecure HTTP protocol.

Step 4: Map the AWS ELB DNS A Record on Route 53

Note: You can skip this step if you don’t have a DNS server or don’t want to configure it with the DNS server.

Now, I am going to configure the Load Balancer DNS name to the DNS server (Route 53) with an easily memorable domain name, which is

creating a record on the route53 for the load balancer created by the nginx ingress controller.

I already have a hosted zone on Route 53, so you can use your DNS provider.

We have to create a new DNS Record for the Load Balancer and is my Hosted Zone.

the recored configuration for the load balancer such as the record name, type and the routing policy.

I am giving the prefix argocd so that the Domain Name will be

The record type should be A because the Network Load Balancer generates the A record.

You need to select the Load Balancer type and the region, then click the Create Records button to create a record on Route 53.

I am making a DNS query to ensure that the Domain Name is pointing to the Load Balancer and that the query is resolved by the DNS server (Route53)

checking the dns resolution using the dig command from the command line interface

Step 5: Create a Cluster Issuer Object in the Cluster

We need to decide which certificate issuer we will get the certificates from.

I am choosing Let’s Encrypt for now.

Create a manifest for the ClusterIssuer object cluster-issuer.yaml

kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-dev
    email: [email protected]
      name: letsencrypt-dev
      - http01:
            class: nginx

This object will create a Cluster Scoped Issuer, which means you can create certificates for any of the Namespaces in the cluster.

Replace the email ID with yours, and you will be notified before the certificate expires.

spec.acme.solvers.http01.ingress.class: nginx is the default Ingress Class of the Nginx Ingress Controller.

kubectl apply -f cluster-issuer.yaml

We have to ensure that the object is successfully created.

kubectl describe clusterissuer letsencrypt-dev
the described view of the cert manater cluster issuer custom resource definition

Step 6: Create an Ingress Object with the Certificate Issuer

Create a manifest for the Ingress Object argo-cert-manager-ingress.yaml and add the following contents.

kind: Ingress
  name: argocd-server-ingress
  namespace: argocd
  annotations: "true" "HTTPS" "true" letsencrypt-dev
  ingressClassName: nginx
    - host:
          - pathType: Prefix
                name: argocd-server
                  number: 443
            path: /

    - hosts:
      secretName: argocd-ingress-http

Ingress Object should be created on Namespace where your application is running, in my case, the ArgoCD application is running on metadata.namespace: argocd Namespace.

Integrating the Cert Manager with the Ingress Object is very simple, we just pass an annotation with the value of the Issuer name letsencrypt-prod

In the next section, we will map the application service with the hostname

Finally, we add the TLS Certificates to the Hostname spec.tls.hosts:

kubectl apply -f argo-cert-manager-ingress.yaml

The TLS certificate will be generated only after the Ingress object deployment.

Ensure that the Ingress Object is created and verify the status.

kubectl describe ingress -n argocd argocd-server-ingress
describe the ingress object to ensure that the certificate is provisioned when the object is deployed

So, each time you create an Ingress object for an application, the TLS certificate will automatically be generated and attached to the resource.

Now, we can check the Secret because the TLS certificate will be stored as a secret in the cluster.

To list the secrets, use the following command.

kubectl -n argocd get secrets
lising the tls secret created by the cert manager during the ingress deployment

If you want to see the contents of the secret, use the following command.

kubectl -n argocd get secrets argocd-ingress-http -o yaml

If you want to know more details about the generated certificate, we can describe the certificates Custom Resource Definition.

kubectl -n argocd describe certificates argocd-ingress-http
describing the cert manager certificate custom resource to know the details of the certificate and the expiary details

We can now check our application with the hostname and ensure the TLS Certificate is attached.

The TLS termination will happen in the Ingress Controller when the external traffic is reached.

the argocd web interface with secure http protocol

In the web browser, we can see that our application uses the secure HTTP protocol, and anyone can also see the Certificate Authority and validity information.


Cert Manager will track the certificates that have been created and renew them before their expiration.

By default, the validity of the certificates that the Cert Manager creates is 90 days; the Cert Manager takes care of the renewal, but if you want modifications on the renewal, you can do that as well.

Cert Manager can generate Self-Signed Certificates, so you can use the capability if required. To know more about the Cert Manager, please refer to the official documentation.

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