In this Kubernetes tutorial, you’ll learn how to setup EFK stack on Kubernetes cluster for log streaming, log analysis, and log monitoring.
Check out part 1 in this Kubernetes logging series, where we have covered Kubernetes logging fundamentals and patterns for beginners.
When running multiple applications and services on a Kubernetes cluster, it makes more sense to stream all of your application and Kubernetes cluster logs to one centralized logging infrastructure for easy log analysis.
This beginner’s guide aims to walk you through the important technical aspects of Kubernetes logging through the EFK stack.
Table of Contents
What is EFK Stack?
EFK stands for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana. EFK is a popular and the best open-source choice for the Kubernetes log aggregation and analysis.
- Elasticsearch is a distributed and scalable search engine commonly used to sift through large volumes of log data. It is a NoSQL database based on the Lucene search engine (search library from Apache). Its primary work is to store logs and retrive logs from fluentd.
- Fluentd is a log shipper. It is an open source log collection agent which support multiple data sources and output formats. Also, it can forward logs to solutions like Stackdriver, Cloudwatch, elasticsearch, Splunk, Bigquery and much more. To be short, it is an unifying layer between systems that genrate log data and systems that store log data.
- Kibana is UI tool for querying, data visualization and dashboards. It is a query engine which allows you to explore your log data through a web interface, build visualizations for events log, query-specific to filter information for detecting issues. You can virtually build any type of dashboards using Kibana. Kibana Query Language (KQL) is used for querying elasticsearch data. Here we use Kibana to query indexed data in elasticsearch.
Also, Elasticsearch helps solve the problem of separating huge amounts of unstructured data and is in use by many organizations. Elasticsearch is commonly deployed alongside Kibana.
Note: When it comes to Kubernetes, Fluentd is the best choice because than logstash because FLuentd can parse container logs without any extra configurations. Moreover, it is a CNCF project.
Setup EFK Stack on Kubernetes
We will look at the step-by-step process for setting up EFK using Kubernetes manifests. You can find all the manifests used in this blog in the Kubernetes EFK Github repo. Each EFK component’s manifests are categorized in individual folders.
You can clone the repo and use the manifests while you follow along with the article.
git clone
Note: All the EFK components get deployed in the default namespace.
EFK Archiecture
The following diagram shows the high level architecture of EFK stack that we are going to build.
EKF components get deployed as follows,
- Fluentd:- Deployed as daemonset as it need to collect the container logs from all the nodes. It connects to the Elasticsearch service endpoint to forward the logs.
- Elasticsearch:- Deployed as statefulset as it holds the log data. We also expose the service endpoint for Fluentd and kibana to connect to it.
- Kibana:- Deployed as deployment and connects to elasticsearch service endpoint.
Deploy Elasticsearch Statefulset
Elasticsearch is deployed as a Statefulset and the multiple replicas connect with each other using a headless service. The headless svc helps in the DNS domain of the pods.
Save the following manifest as es-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
clusterIP: None
- port: 9200
name: rest
- port: 9300
name: inter-node
Let’s create it now.
kubectl create -f es-svc.yaml
Before we begin creating the statefulset for elastic search, let’s recall that a statefulset requires a storage class defined beforehand using which it can create volumes whenever required.
Note: Though in a production environment, we need to use 400-500Gbs of volume for elastic search, here we are deploying with 3Gb PVC’s for demonstrations.
Let’s create the Elasticsearch statefulset now. Save the following manifest as es-sts.yaml
Note: The statefulset creates the PVC with the default available storage class. If you have a custom storage class for PVC, you can add it in the
by uncommenting thestorageClassName
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: es-cluster
serviceName: elasticsearch
replicas: 3
app: elasticsearch
app: elasticsearch
- name: elasticsearch
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 100m
- containerPort: 9200
name: rest
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 9300
name: inter-node
protocol: TCP
- name: data
mountPath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- name:
value: k8s-logs
- name:
- name: discovery.seed_hosts
value: "es-cluster-0.elasticsearch,es-cluster-1.elasticsearch,es-cluster-2.elasticsearch"
- name: cluster.initial_master_nodes
value: "es-cluster-0,es-cluster-1,es-cluster-2"
- name: ES_JAVA_OPTS
value: "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
- name: fix-permissions
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 1000:1000 /usr/share/elasticsearch/data"]
privileged: true
- name: data
mountPath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- name: increase-vm-max-map
image: busybox
command: ["sysctl", "-w", "vm.max_map_count=262144"]
privileged: true
- name: increase-fd-ulimit
image: busybox
command: ["sh", "-c", "ulimit -n 65536"]
privileged: true
- metadata:
name: data
app: elasticsearch
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
# storageClassName: ""
storage: 3Gi
Let’s create the statefulset.
kubectl create -f es-sts.yaml
Verify Elasticsearch Deployment
After the Elastisearch pods come into the running state, let us try and verify the Elasticsearch statefulset. The easiest method to do this is to check the status of the cluster. In order to check the status, port-forward the Elasticsearch pod’s 9200 port.
kubectl port-forward es-cluster-0 9200:9200
To check the health of the Elasticsearch cluster, run the following command in the terminal.
curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health/?pretty
The output will display the status of the Elasticsearch cluster. If all the steps were followed correctly, the status should come up as ‘green’.
"cluster_name" : "k8s-logs",
"status" : "green",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 3,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 3,
"active_primary_shards" : 8,
"active_shards" : 16,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 0,
"delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0
Tip on Elasticsearch Headless Service
As you know, headless svc does not work as a load balancer and is used to address a group of pods together. There is another use case for headless services.
We can use it to get the address of individual pods. Let’s take an e.g. to understand this.
We have three pods running as part of the Elastic search statefulset.
Pod name | Pod Address |
es-cluster-0 | |
es-cluster-1 | |
es-cluster-2 | |
and a headless svc – “elasticsearch
” is pointed to these pods.
If you do a nslookup
from a pod running inside the same namespace of your cluster, you’ll be able to get the address of the above pods through the headless svc.
nslookup es-cluster-0.elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local
Name: es-cluster-0.elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local
The above concept is used very commonly in Kubernetes, so should be understood clearly. In fact, the statefulset env vars – “discovery.seed_hosts
” and “cluster.initial_master_nodes
” are using this concept.
Now that we have a running Ealsticsearch cluster, let’s move on to Kibana now.
Deploy Kibana Deployment & Service
Kibana can be created as a simple Kubernetes deployment. If you check the following Kibana deployment manifest file, we have an env var ELASTICSEARCH_URL
defined to configure the Elasticsearch cluster endpoint. Kibana uses the endpoint URL to connect to elasticsearch.
Create the Kibana deployment manifest as kibana-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kibana
app: kibana
replicas: 1
app: kibana
app: kibana
- name: kibana
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 100m
value: http://elasticsearch:9200
- containerPort: 5601
Create the manifest now.
kubectl create -f kibana-deployment.yaml
Let’s create a service of type NodePort to access the Kibana UI over node IP address. We are using nodePort for demonstration purposes. However, ideally, kubernetes ingress with a ClusterIP service is used for actual project implementation.
Save the following manifest as kibana-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kibana-np
app: kibana
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
targetPort: 5601
nodePort: 30000
Create the kibana-svc
kubectl create -f kibana-svc.yaml
Now you will be able to access Kibana over http://<node-ip>:3000
Verify Kibana Deployment
After the pods come into the running state, let us try and verify Kibana deployment. The easiest method to do this is through the UI access of the cluster.
To check the status, port-forward the Kibana pod’s 5601
port. If you have created the nodePort service, you can also use that.
kubectl port-forward <kibana-pod-name> 5601:5601
After this, access the UI through the web browser or make a request using curl
curl http://localhost:5601/app/kibana
If the Kibana UI loads or a valid curl response comes up, then we can conclude that Kibana is running correctly.
Let’s move to fluentd component now.
Deploy Fluentd Kubernetes Manifests
Fluentd is deployed as a daemonset since it has to stream logs from all the nodes in the clusters. In addition to this, it requires special permissions to list & extract the pod’s metadata in all the namespaces.
Kubernetes Service accounts are used for providing permissions to a component in kubernetes, along with cluster roles and cluster rolebindings. Let’s go ahead and create the required service account and roles.
Create Fluentd Cluster Role
A cluster role in kubernetes contains rules that represent a set of permissions. For fluentd, we want to give permissions for pods and namespaces.
Create a manifest fluentd-role.yaml
kind: ClusterRole
name: fluentd
app: fluentd
- apiGroups:
- ""
- pods
- namespaces
- get
- list
- watch
Apply the manifest
kubectl create -f fluentd-role.yaml
Create Fluentd Service Account
A service account in kubernetes is an entity to provide identity to a pod. Here, we want to create a service account to be used with fluentd pods.
Create a manifest fluentd-sa.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: fluentd
app: fluentd
Apply the manifest
kubectl create -f fluentd-sa.yaml
Creste Fluentd Cluster Role Binding
A cluster rolebinding in kubernetes grants permissions defined in a cluster role to a service account. We want to create a rolebinding between the role and the service account created above.
Create a manifest fluentd-rb.yaml
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: fluentd
kind: ClusterRole
name: fluentd
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: fluentd
namespace: default
Apply the manifest
kubectl create -f fluentd-rb.yaml
Deploy Fluentd DaemonSet
Let us deploy the daemonset now.
Save the following as fluentd-ds.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: fluentd
app: fluentd
app: fluentd
app: fluentd
serviceAccount: fluentd
serviceAccountName: fluentd
- name: fluentd
image: fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset:v1.4.2-debian-elasticsearch-1.1
value: "elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local"
value: "9200"
value: "http"
value: disable
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
readOnly: true
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- name: varlog
path: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
path: /var/lib/docker/containers
Note: If you check the deployment, we whave use two env vars,
. Fluentd uses these Elasticsearch values to ship the collected logs.
Lets apply the fluentd manifest
kubectl create -f fluentd-ds.yaml
Verify Fluentd Setup
In order to verify the fluentd installation, let us start a pod that creates logs continuously. We will then try to see these logs inside Kibana.
Save the following as test-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: counter
- name: count
image: busybox
args: [/bin/sh, -c,'i=0; while true; do echo "Thanks for visiting devopscube! $i"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done']
Apply the manifest
kubectl create -f test-pod.yaml
Now, let’s head to Kibana to check whether the logs from this pod are being picked up by fluentd and stored at elasticsearch or not. Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Open kibana UI using proxy or the nodeport service endpoint. Head to management console inside it.
Step 2: Select the “Index Patterns” option under Kibana section.
Step 3: Create a new Index Patten using the pattern – “logstash-*
” and
Step 4: Select “@timestamp
” in the timestamps option.
Step 5: Now the index pattern has been created. Head to discover console.Here, you will be able to see all the logs being exported by fluentd like the logs from our test pod as shown in the image below.
That’s it!
We have covered all the components required for a logging solution in Kubernetes and also verified each of our components separately. Let us go through the best practices of using EFK stack.
Kubernetes EFK Best practises
- Elasticsearch uses heap memory extensively for filtering and caching for better query performances, so ample memory should be available for elastic search.
Giving more than half of total memory to elasticsearch could also leave too less memory for OS functions which could inturn hamper elasticsearch’s capabilities.
So be mindful of this! A 40-50% of total heap space to elasticsearch is good enough. - Elastic search indices can fill up quickly so it’s important to clean up old indices regularly. Kubernetes cron jobs can help you do this regularly in an automated fashion.
- Having data replicated across multiple nodes can help in disaster recovery and also improve query performance. By default, replication factor in elasticsearch is set to 1.
Consider playing around with this values according to your use case. Having atleast 2 is a good practise. - Data which is known to be accessed more frequently can be placed in different nodes with more resources allocated. This can be achieved by running a cronjob that moves the indices to different nodes at regular intervals.
Though this is an advance use case – it is good for a beginner to atleast have knowledge that something like this can be done. - In elastic search, you an archive indices to low cost cloud storage such as aws-s3 and restore when you need data from those indices.
This is a best practise if you need to conserve logs for audit and compliance. - Having multiple nodes like master, data and client nodes with dedicated functionalities is good for high availability and fault tolerance.
Beyond EFK – Futher Research
This guide was just a small use case of setting up the Elastic stack on Kubernetes. Elastic stack has tons of other features which help in logging and monitoring solutions.
For example, it can ship logs from virtual machines and managed services of various cloud providers. You can even ship logs from data engineering tools like Kafka into the elastic stack.
The elastic stack has other powerful components worth looking into, such as:
- Elastic Metrics: Ships metrics from multiple sources across your entire infrastructure and makes it available in elastic search and kibana.
- APM: Expands elastic stack capabilities and lets you analyze where exactly an application is spending time quickly fixing issues in production.
- Uptime: Helps in monitoring and analyzing availability issues across your apps and services before they start appearing in the production.
Explore and research them!
In his Kubernetes EFK setup guide, we have learned how to set up the logging infrastructure on Kubernetes.
If you want to become a DevOps engineer, it is very important to understand all the concepts involved in the Kubernetes logging.
In the next part of this series, we are going to explore Kibana dashboards and visualization options.
In Kibana, it is a good practice to visualize data through graphs wherever possible as it gives a much more clear picture of your application state. So don’t forget to check out the next part of this series.
Till then, keep learning and exploring.
Awesome Document…. But I am facing and getting an error :
“type”: “server”, “timestamp”: “2023-06-02T11:53:29,322Z”, “level”: “WARN”, “component”: “o.e.d.SeedHostsResolver”, “”: “k8s-logs”, “”: “es-cluster-0”, “message”: “failed to resolve host [es-cluster-2.elasticsearch]”,
“stacktrace”: [“ es-cluster-2.elasticsearch”,
“at$CachedAddresses.get( ~[?:?]”,
“at ~[?:?]”,
Above issue resolved as having issue with DNS routing.
Can we have documentation with latest version as I can see latest version is 8.8.0. When I am trying the same documentation for latest 8.8.0 version I am unable to get data from fluentbit to “elsasticsearch+kibana”.
Great Article, Clear Explanation anyone can understand easily Thank you.
Hi! Liked your tutorial,
could you help me with forwarding logging to was
I will try to write a post on S3
I have created everything as mentioned in this page.
I am not able to create index pattern logstash-* in step 3. (Your Index pattern doesn’t match any indices.)
same problem i am facing have you find any solution
Will i be able to deploy these on a different namespace, is there any constraints in doing so?
Hi Jerry,
yes. You can use a different namespace.
Hi i am facing this issue. fluentd cant collect logs from nodes.
“xxx.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.”
2022-02-10 10:15:55 +0000 [warn]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] /var/log/containers/task-deps-cronjob-hert-bbu-v500r011c10-27407940-48ntw_development_task-deps-cronjob-hert-bbu-v500r011c10-80d636778693bc7e09a655a8a171596b7ca76b776db316e1ac0d122ee07e7258.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
2022-02-10 10:15:55 +0000 [warn]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] /var/log/containers/redis-replicas-0_databases_metrics-c43fc5dc025d4232d87d4b340e07cc53e44b61a4faf68a5ea42b0869bceddf7c.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
2022-02-10 10:15:55 +0000 [warn]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] /var/log/containers/agreement-hert-bbu-v500r012c00-db4d456b8-t5pck_development_agreement-hert-bbu-v500r012c00-650f6f4cc3995b9e837c48ca447696c3ff73bea1e2b50a6d6e53278df6a7f006.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
2022-02-10 10:15:55 +0000 [warn]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] /var/log/containers/csi-provisioner-6ccbfbf86f-f7mr7_longhorn-system_csi-provisioner-c5f778844ed5ce04caa2422ea33459c2c407125d6f1ed3903d4cace1a6dd6b35.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
This is a useful guide. Thank you.
What I can’t see though, is where the fluentd config is. Usually I have a config file where I can specify the logs to follow, parse, filter etc.
Then there is a section which sends them on to elastic.
In this guide it looks like all of this is happening in the fluentd darmonset yaml.
Is the config not needed anymore? How would I modify my fluentd, to only follow logs of certain containers? Or add another source?
Glad it helped James.
If you want to customize the Fluentd configuration, you might have to add a configmap to
in the fluentd daemonset. I haven’t tried it though!Check this Github PR thread
Here is an example for configmap reference for Daemonset:
1. Fluent configmap
2. DaemonSet With Configmap:
Hello ,
How to integrate the Fluentd with the google stackdriver ?
Hi Bala,
Check out this plugin for Fluentd and google stackdriver integration.
For GKE, by default, there is integration with stackdriver, and all the logs can be viewed in Stackdriver if you enable the logging option.