This WordPress installation guide helps you to install and configure the latest WordPress on an Ubuntu Linux box. It covers Apache, MariaDB, PHP and Wordpress configurations.
Wordpress Installation On Ubuntu Server
This installation guide covers the following.
- Installation and configuration of Apache2
- Installation and configuration for MariaDB
- Installation and configuration of PHP and Apache modules.
- Wordpress apache configurations with a domain name.
- Accessing the WordPress dashboard.
Follow the steps given below for the complete WordPress setup on Ubuntu 23.04
Install and Configure Apache 2
Step1: Login to the server and update the package repos.
sudo apt-get update -y
Step 2: Install apache2
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
Step 3: Execute the following command to disable anonymous directory listing.
sudo sed -i "s/Options Indexes FollowSymLinks/Options FollowSymLinks/" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Step 4: Start, enable and check the status of apache2
sudo systemctl stop apache2 sudo systemctl enable apache2 sudo systemctl start apache2
Install and Configure MariaDB
Step 1: Install Marais DB database server and client
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client -y
Step 2: Use the following commands to Start, Stop, enable and check the status of MariaDB service.
sudo systemctl stop mysql sudo systemctl start mysql sudo systemctl enable mysql sudo systemctl status mysql
Step 3: Setup the root admin password for the database using mysql_secure_installation command. It will prompt you for setting up the new password.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Use the following options for the prompt.
Enter current password for root (enter for none): Just press the Enter Set root password? [Y/n]: Y New password: Enter password Re-enter new password: Repeat password Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]: Y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: Y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]: Y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]: Y
Step 4: Restart the database server for the changes to take effect.
sudo systemctl restart mysql
Setup and Configure PHP
Step 1: Install PHP 8 and its related modules.
sudo apt-get install php8.2 php8.2-mysql libapache2-mod-php8.2 php8.2-cli php8.2-cgi php8.2-gd
Step 2: Open /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini file
sudo vi /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini
Add the following contents to the file.
file_uploads = On allow_url_fopen = On memory_limit = 256M upload_max_filesize = 150M max_execution_time = 350 date.timezone = America/Chicago
Configure Database For Wordpress
Step 1: Login to the database using the password you set for root.
sudo mysql -u root -p
Step 2: Create a database named “wordpress-db”
CREATE DATABASE wordpress_db;
Step 3: Create a new databases user named “wordpress-admin” and set a custom password. This user will be used in the WordPress configuration.
CREATE USER 'wordpress-admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password_here';
Step 4: Grant all privileged on wordpress-db for wordpress-admin user. Replace the password you set for wordpress-admin.
GRANT ALL ON wordpress_db.* TO 'wordpress-admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password-here' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Step 5: Flush all privileges and exit the db shell.
Setup and Configure Wordpress
Step 1: Download latest WordPress
Step 2: Untar the WordPress files
tar -xvf latest.tar.gz
Step 3: Move the WordPress folder to /var/www/html folder.
sudo mv wordpress /var/www/html/wordpress
Step 4: Change the ownership of the wordpress folder to www-data
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/wordpress/
Step 5: Change the folder and file permissions using the following command. Folders should have 755 permission and files should have 644 permission.
find /var/www/html/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /var/www/html/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644
You can check if the permissions have been applied using the following command.
stat -c "%a %n" /var/www/html/wordpress/*
Configure Apache For Wordpress
Step 1: Create a new Apache configuration named wp-site.conf for the WordPress site.
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/wp-site.conf
Add the following configuration to the file and save it. Replace yourdomain
with you custom domain name.
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wordpress/ ServerName ServerAlias <Directory /var/www/html/wordpress/> Options +FollowSymlinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost>
Step 2: Enable wp-site.conf
sudo a2ensite wp-site.conf
Step 3: Enable the apache rewrite module.
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Step 4: Restart the apache server.
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Configure Wordpress Application
Step 1: Rename the default wp-config-sample.php
to wp-config.php
sudo mv /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php
Step 2: Open the wp-config.php file
sudo vi /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php
Replace the values highlighted in the image below with database, user, and password generated in previous steps.
Step 3: Now you have configured your site details on wp-site.conf file, try to access WordPress by browsing the domain name you used on the wp-site.conf file.
Make sure your server is mapped to the domain name you configure in the wp-site.conf file.
If you haven’t configured a domain name, you can access the installed WordPress with
Step 4: Select the preferred language and fill up the details in the configuration wizard.
Step 5: Once WordPress is installed, you can access the dashboard using the username and password.
Is the
wp-site.conf needed for your Localhost on your own Computer?
If so could you give an example of what ought to be written into that file please.
All configurations should be done on the server
Really helpful. Searching for long time and got it. Thanks!